Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The American Education System; Cause For Rebellion :: essays research papers fc

The American Education System Cause for RebellionIf Americas Schools are to meet the needs of the twenty first century,they must be reinvented. It is not adequate to try to fix the schools they mustbe reconstructed in both fundamental and radical ways. The school system mustbe restructured. The future of the American public school system issignificant because the maintenance of an informed and productive citizenry isvital to the future of this country. Historically Americans have stronglyasserted the brilliance of public schools in a democracy and despite growingdisdain for the perceived value of the school system, public schools remaincentral to democracy in the United States.For more than a century, Americas public schools have been anindispensable source of the countrys strength. Public education has allowedcitizens to become productive members of society by providing them with theskills and knowledge prerequisite for the labor force. Schools prepare students tobe literate, in formed and reasoning citizens. According to Philip Schlechty,author of Schools for the twenty-first century, Public schools are the tiesthat bind this pluralistic society into a nation. Our Nations thirty-sixthpresident, Lyndon B. Johnson, also believed that there is no institution morefundamental to American society and democracy than its public schools.(36)Public schools are the cornerst one(a) of Americas future. The developmentof youths knowledge, skills and mixer dispositions has always been critical tothe countrys success. In the next century, Americas youth will play anincreasingly important role in the countrys survival and well-being. By theyear 2025, one out of five Americans will be 65 or older, and by the year 2040,one out of four Americans will be 65. In slight than 15 years, the first babyboomers will reach the age of 65 (Peterson 64). It is clear that the economicsuccess of America will be in the detainment of youth to unprecedented extent. It istime to invest in e ducation in order to maintain the American way of life.In the competitive knowledge-based world of the twenty-first century,the education of Americas youth will be more important than ever. Moreresponsibility will be placed on schools because of greater diversity inclassrooms, languages, preparedness, motivation, and the dynamics of the futureworkplace. Schools also must assume more responsibility because of increasing registration. Entering the 1996-1997 school year, there is an all time highenrollment of 51.7 million students in public schools throughout the country(Good 6). Because of enhanced enrollment and technological advances, there ismore material that needs to be taught if students are to be competitive andproductive in the future job market.

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